thursday, september 16, 2010

Art Prize Registration / Voting Info

ArtPrize opens in less than a week! 

A selection from my Rhythms series will be on display at Founder's Brewery in Grand Rapids during the event this year.

If you are attending and plan on voting during ArtPrize, you must register online, and then activate your registration in person.  To register, visit the link below:

Once you are registered, you can activate at any of the ArtPrize registration sites between September 22 - October 6.  A list of the voter registration sites can be found at the link below:

Lastly, and most important... the vote codes!  To vote up on my work, use code 42651.  Text this number to phone number 808080 on your cell phone to vote.  Vote texts should only contain the vote code provided. 

I will be attending opening day at Founder's Brewery, and will be at other venues during the course of the week.  If you are attending ArtPrize, be sure to stop by!

Thanks for your support!

